February 26, 2009



Time to get back to Innerspace. What you might notice here now is a bit different from what was.

I've been devoting all my blog time lately to Baltimore Brew, the online brainchild of Fern Shen, formerly of the Washington Post, which is devoted to bringing real local Baltimore journalism to the blogosphere, while still maintaining that blog vibe as well.

I'm honored and flattered that Fern actually recruited me of all people, among all her real journalists, to be part of her noble enterprise. So you can find some of my articles at http://www.baltimorebrew.com/ , although a lot more of them are on her cutting room floor, owing to her attempts to mold me to her exacting standards.

Actually, what she tried to do was whip me into some semblance of journalistic and blogospheric shape while somehow trying to maintain my inimitable inscrutable self-indulgent penchant for 2500 word epic tomes. But while she's very good, she couldn't perform miracles. I haven't figured out if she won her bet with Colonel Pickering to turn my Liza Doolittle into an H. L. Mencken, but I realize there is no turning back.

And I still can't seem to fit the mold. It has confounded both Fern and me as to whether what I'm writing now is Baltimore Brew or Baltimore Innerspace, so we have concluded that it is a bit of both. I haven't exactly resolved to consciously write shorter, more diverse and more timely pieces, but it seems to have just turned out that way.

Please visit us at Baltimore Brew and keep visiting me here.

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